# Script of card "chess" of stack "array_exercises"

global gBoard_currentState

# completely clear off the board
on clearBoard
    # create an empty array
    repeat for each character tColumn in "abcdefgh"
        repeat with tRow = 1 to 8
            put empty into board_array[tColumn][tRow]
        end repeat
    end repeat
    # set current state to empty array
    put board_array into gBoard_currentState
end clearBoard

# set up the board to the beginning state
on resetGame
    put empty into board_beginState
    put "RNBQKBNR" into tPieceOrder
    put "abcdefgh" into tColumns
    repeat with x = 1 to 8
        put char x of tColumns into tCol
        # place first row pieces
        put char x of tPieceOrder & "_white" into tPieceName
        put tPieceName into board_beginState[tCol][1]
        put char x of tPieceOrder & "_black" into tPieceName
        put tPieceName into board_beginState[tCol][8]
        # place pawns
        put "P_white" into board_beginState[tCol][2]
        put "P_black" into board_beginState[tCol][7]
    end repeat
    # save the beginning state in the global current state variable
    put board_beginState into gBoard_currentState
end resetGame

# given square references in the form B2, D5, etc.,
#  update the current board state array
on makeMove pOriginSquare, pDestSquare
    # determine what piece is in the start square
    #  if none, abort 
    put gBoard_currentState[char 1 of pOriginSquare][char 2 of pOriginSquare] into tOriginPiece
    if tOriginPiece is empty then
        exit makeMove
    end if
    # determine color of origin piece
    # determine what's in destination square
    # if a piece of the same color, abort
    # if dest square is empty, move piece there
    #  if dest square has enemy color there, remove attacked piece from board
    # update destination square with moved piece
    # delete piece from starting square
    put gBoard_currentState[char 1 of pDestSquare][char 2 of pDestSquare] into tDestPiece
    set the itemDelimiter to "_"
    if item -1 of tOriginPiece = item -1 of tDestPiece then
        exit makeMove
        put tOriginPiece into gBoard_currentState[char 1 of pDestSquare][char 2 of pDestSquare]
        put empty into gBoard_currentState[char 1 of pOriginSquare][char 2 of pOriginSquare]
    end if
end makeMove

# this handler updates the visual state of the board using the contents of the array
on updateBoard
    lock screen
    repeat for each character tColumn in "abcdefgh"
        repeat with tRow = 1 to 8
            put tColumn & tRow into tBtnName
            if there is an image gBoard_currentState[tColumn][tRow] then
                set the icon of btn tBtnName to the id of img gBoard_currentState[tColumn][tRow]
                set the icon of btn tBtnName to 0
            end if
        end repeat
    end repeat
    unlock screen
end updateBoard