Flat-file Homework Assignment
Chum 240 Fall 2007
Due date: (see schedule)
Create a flat-file database of the personal
collection of your choice.
Acceptable content includes (but is
not limited to) the following:
- A music collection (or part thereof)
- Photos of a trip or special occasion
- Places visited
- Baseball cards
- Bottle caps
- Etc.
Your data should include information
about the items in the collection. For example
- General description
- Location
- Date(s)
- Special features
- Rating
- Etc.
Your database will meet the following criteria:
- Use the INI file format
- Have three or more sections
- Have one section describing the collection itself
- Have at least one section where labels or values refer to another section
- Contain at least 10 items
- Fill a single page without padding, e.g.
- No greater than 1 inch margins
- No larger than 12 pt. font
- Only concise, necessary comments at top of file
and before each section
- Blank line before each sections
A second page will describe the sections in your database,
the data within them, and any relation to other sections.
This page need not be filled, but do not leave out any
information helpful to a user unfamiliar with your database.
(Your instructor, for example.)
Your assignment should have a cover sheet with
the class (CHum 240 Sec. 001), your name,
and the date the assignment is due.
Copyright ©2007 Brigham Young University