HTML was created as a static content markup language. But the true power of the Web today lies in the ability to dynamically modify web page content on demand. This has normally required learning server-side scripting languages with steep learning curves like Perl or PHP. In mid-2009 RunRev released the first version of its server-side LiveCode scripting module, known officially as LiveCode Server. What this means is that LiveCode, formerly confined to scripting in the LiveCode stack environment, can be used to create powerful, dynamic web pages.
One way to get access to LiveCode server-side scripting is to purchase subscription to the On-rev web hosting service, a full-featured service that includes many standard hosting features, and includes a fully-integrated LiveCode Server capability. You can also download the free Community Edition of LiveCode Server from the LiveCode Download site. Once downloaded, LiveCode Server must be installed on your web serer.
For this class, LiveCode Server has been set up on the hummac server, the same server that hosts the class file server and the MySQL server we have been using. You must be a registered student in the course to log in; the login information was given in class or sent to you separately.
First we will look at the basics of server-side LiveCode scripting. I will describe the way we did it in the classroom, but the same could be done using any plain text editor and FTP client. BBedit is convenient because it has a built-in FTP client that allows us to work in a single environment.
<?lc LiveCode code here ?>
The opening and closing tags can be on different lines, but all LiveCode statements must be enclosed by these tags.
Type a simple LiveCode statement between the rev tags:
<?lc put "Hello world." ?>
Save your document.
What do we learn from this very simple example?
<?lc ?>
statement without a container designated in a LC script document is passed directly to the web page.
One more important concept: LC script documents are simply specialized HTML documents. They can contain any proper HTML code, interspersed with any number of <?lc ?>
tags. Indeed, many LC script documents have lots of HTML code in them.
Assignment: Look at some simple examples on the on-rev web site before the next class period. Look at the first five topics: Introduction, Basics, URL Get, Form, and Database. You should understand and try out most of these scripts.
Clearly, the simple example we used above is boring and doesn't give any advantage over plain HTML. Let's look at some ways in which embedded LiveCode scripting can be useful.
Date and time. A common desire is to display the current date on the web page. This is easily done with LiveCode. (Keep in mind that since LC scripts are run on the server, the date and time reported will be the settings on the server, not the client. In the case of the on-rev service, the server is located in Texas, USA.)
<p>Today's date is <?lc put the date ?>. </p>
Dynamic lists. Since you can use any LiveCode structure in LC script files, you can use, for example, repeat loops to create dynamic lists or tables. Note that we also build the HTML "framework" for the LiveCode output at the same time.
<?lc put the short date into tDate set the itemDelimiter to "/" put item 1 of tDate into tMonth put "<p>Months elapsed this year:</p>" put "<p>" repeat with x = 1 to tMonth put line x of the monthNames if x = tMonth then put " (current month)<br />" else put "<br />" end if end repeat put "</p>" ?> |
![]() Sample Output |
Defining custom handlers in LC scripting files; Dynamic table creation. By creatively interspersing HTML tags with LiveCode <?lc .. ?> segments we can create sophisticated dynamic page elements. Here is the calendar example that we did in class. It was adapted slightly from the HTML Coding Exercise we did earlier.
<?lc function q pString return quote & pString & quote end q function makeCalendar pMonth,pStartDay,pEndDate put 1 into tDate put "<p><strong>" & pMonth & "</strong></p>" & return into tCal put "<table border=" & q("1") & ">" & return after tCal repeat with tRow = 1 to 6 if tRow = 6 and tDate > pEndDate then # don't make a sixth row if no dates left in month exit repeat end if put "<tr align=" & q("right") & ">" & return after tCal repeat with tCol = 1 to 7 if (tRow = 1 and tCol < pStartDay) OR (tDate > pEndDate) then put " " into tContents else put tDate into tContents add 1 to tDate end if put "<td>" & tContents & "</td>" after tCal end repeat put return & "</tr>" after tCal end repeat put return & "</table>" after tCal return tCal end makeCalendar put the long date into tDate put "<p>Today's date is " & tDate & ".</p>" put word 1 of item 2 of tDate into tMonth convert tDate to dateitems subtract (item 3 of tDate - 1) from item 3 of tDate convert tDate to dateitems put item 7 of tDate into tStartDay add 1 to item 2 of tDate convert tDate to dateitems subtract 1 from item 3 of tDate convert tDate to dateitems put makeCalendar(tMonth,tStartDay,item 3 of tDate) ?>
You can see the output of this file at