Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
DigHT LiveCode Gateway
DigHT 210
Moving from Pseudocode to Working Program
The task is to take the pseudocode you created in the previous assignment and turn it into a working program. A stack called "ProgrammingFunEx.rev" has been provided in the Templates folder on the server for you to work in. Note that the pseudocode exercise we worked on earlier in the term, which we turned into a working program, is in the Keys folder.
Tips for approaching this task:
- Use your pseudocode as comments.
- Go through the comments one by one and supply the proper LiveCode commands.
- When we worked through problem 1 earlier in the semester we used the "code" field, at the bottom to write the pseudocode/comments and the actual commands. That was before we had learned about scripts. So you'll probably want to put your handlers in the Try It button, so you can take advantage of the tools the script editor gives you, like syntax coloring, auto-completion, and auto-formatting. (For example, knowing how formatting works in the script editor for if structures and repeat loops can help you spot errors as you create the structures.)
- The controls on the cards for the problems are suggested helps only; you can choose to use them or to make your own fields, buttons, or whatever.
- Be sure you include either your own pseudocode or the pseudocode from the key as comments in your handlers.
- Observe best practices.
The main point of this exercise is to help you learn how to incorporate program control structures into your handlers. Look for efficient ways to employ if-then and repeat structures.
When you are finished (remember, you only have to do #2 and #3,) rename the stack so it has your name in it and turn it in to the homework drop folder. This should be turned in by next class period.
See the Key for this exercise.
DigHT LiveCode Gateway
Maintained by
Devin Asay.
Copyright © 2005 Brigham Young University