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DigHT 310
Timing Assignment

Create a stack called "your name-Timing.rev". Create an easy way to navigate between cards. Provide a label on each card that describes what that card is for. You will be creating two timing utilities:

Card 1. Important Date Countdown. Select a significant date in future, like your next birthday or your graduation date. Build a utility that will:

  1. Ask the user to input the significant date (in a valid date format.)
  2. Make sure that they have entered a valid date, in the future (not the past.)
  3. Calculate the number of days to the event.
  4. Report the number of days back in a field.

Card 2. Timer. Create a timer that does the following:

  1. Allows the user to set the time limit; it can be in minutes and/or seconds.
  2. Provides a way to start the timer.
  3. Shows some form of tracking of the time elapsed or time remaining. For example, you could show one or more of the following:
  4. Provides a way to stop and reset the timer before the time has elapsed.
  5. When the time is up present some sort of visual or audible alert.
  6. Make sure that all pending messages are canceled before leaving the card, so no error messages are generated.

Pay attention to design. Make your interface clean and attractive. Observe LiveCode Best Practices—name all stacks, cards and objects, create easily readable scripting, etc.

When you are finished, turn your stack, with your name on it, into the Assignment_Drop folder. Due on the date indicated on the class schedule.

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