This page is designed to provide examples of much of the basic scripting vocabulary in the LiveCode scripting language. Remember that all such statements must be employed within a message handler in order to work.
See examples of the use of:
Rules for variable names:
The names of variables must consist of a single word and may contain any combination
of letters, digits, and underscores (_). The first character must be either a letter or an
underscore. You cannot use any LiveCode scripting language word as a name of a
variable. -LiveCode User Guide, p. 121
put 2 into holder
put holder into field "result" --> 2
put 5 into field "result" --> 5
add 12 to field "result" --> 17
get the long time
put it into field "result" --> e.g., 2:53:56 PM
put seven into field "result" --> 7
put pi into field "result" --> 3.14159265358979323846
put "whatever is here" --> puts string into message box
put "hello" into greeting
put greeting into field "result" --> hello
put "greeting" into field "result" --> greeting
put 2 + 6 into message --> 8 (in message box)
put "2 + 6" into message --> 2 + 6
put fruit --> fruit
put "banana" into fruit
put fruit --> banana
put 4 + 9 into field "Result"
put 3 - 7 into field "result"
put 5 * 2 into field "Result"
put 13 / 3 into field "Result"
put 7 ^ 4 into field "Result" --> exponentiation
put 2 + 3 * 4 + 1 into fld "Result" --> 15
put (2 + 3) * (4 + 1) into fld "Result" --> 25
put 4 div 2 into field "Result" -- returns whole number; no remainder
put 7 div 2 into field "Result" --> 3
put 3.99 div 2 into field "Result" --> 1
put 4 mod 2 into field "Result" -- returns remainder only
put 7 mod 2 into field "Result" --> 1
put 3.99 mod 2 into field "Result" --> 1.99
Use these commands to perform arithmetic operations directly on a value in a container
put 9 into field "result"
put 4 after field "Result"
put 2 before field "Result"
add 9 to field "Result"
subtract 4 from field "Result"
multiply field "Result" by 7
divide field "Result" by 2
put card field "Result" / 2 into card field "Result"
put the sqrt of 25 into field 1
put "aa" into line 2 of fld 1
put "bb" into line sqrt(4) of fld 1
put the abs of -23 into field 1
put abs (-23) into field 1
put average(12,3,5,19) into fld 1
put max(12,3,5,19) into fld 1
put min(12, 3, 5, 19) into fld 1
put average(cd fld "list") into fld 1
put max(cd fld "list") into fld 1
put min(cd fld "list") into fld 1
put random (10) into field 1
put "abc" & "def" into fld 1 --> abcdef
put "The" && "cat" into fld 1 --> The cat
put "ano" & "the" & "r" && "exam" & "ple" into fld 1 -- another example
put "mine", "yours" into fld 1 -- a comma combines two elements separated by a comma --> mine,yours
put fld 1, "ours" into fld 1 --> mine,yours,ours
put "mine" & comma & "yours" into fld 1 --> mine,yours
put "a "hot" car" into fld 1 --> ERROR!!
put "a" && quote & "hot" & quote && "car" into fld 1 --> a "hot" car
put "first" & return & "second" into fld 1 -- the words are on separate lines
put "aa" & space & "bb" into fld 1 --> aa bb
put "xxx" & tab & "yyy" into fld 1 -- xxx yyy (space between strings determined by tab settings in field
put empty into fld 1
put 80 > field "Average" into fld 1
put 80 < field "Average" into fld 1
put 60 >= field "Average" into fld 1
put 60 <> field "Average" into fld 1 -- not equal to
put 40 is not field "Average" into fld 1
put "house" = "home" into fld 1
put "elephant" < "mouse" into isBefore
put "lightning" > "lightning bug" into fld 1
put "AAA" = "aaa" into sameText
put "schon" = "schön" into fld 1
put "schon" <> "schön" into fld 1
on mouseUp
put empty into field "result"
put random(6) into field "yours"
if field "yours" = field "Lucky" then
put "You win!" into field "result"
end if
end mouseUp
on mouseUp
put empty into field "result"
put random(6) into field "yours"
if field "yours" = field "Lucky" then
put "You win!" into field "result"
put "Try again." into field "result"
end if
end mouseUp
on mouseUp
put empty into field "result"
put random(6) into field "yours"
if field "yours" = field "Lucky" then
put "You win!" into field "result"
wait 3 seconds
put "Click to continue." into field "result"
wait until the mouseClick
put empty into fld "yours"
put empty into fld "result"
put "Try again." into field "result"
end if
end mouseUp
# repeat a set number of times
on mouseUp
put empty into field "result"
repeat fld "reps" times
put "X" after fld "result"
wait 20 ticks
end repeat
end mouseUp
# repeat using a counting variable
on mouseUp
put empty into field "result"
repeat with countVar = 1 to field "reps"
put countVar into fld "counter"
put "X" after fld "result"
wait 20 ticks
end repeat
end mouseUp
# repeat while a certain condition is true
on mouseUp
put empty into fld "result"
put 0 into fld "counter"
repeat while fld "counter" < fld "reps"
add 1 to fld "counter"
put "X" after fld "result"
wait 30 ticks
end repeat
end mouseUp
# repeat until a certain condition is true
on mouseUp
put empty into field "result"
put 0 into fld "counter"
repeat until fld "counter" = fld "reps"
add 1 to fld "counter" -- increment counter
put "X" after fld "result"
wait 30 ticks
end repeat
end mouseUp
# repeat for each chunk in a container; can use line, word, item, etc.
on mouseUp
put empty into field "sentence"
put 0 into fld "counter"
repeat for each line thisLine in fld "list"
add 1 to fld "counter" -- increment counter
put thisLine & space after fld "sentence"
wait 30 ticks
end repeat
end mouseUp
Reading property settings
put the name of field 1 into fldName get the short name of button i of group "allButtons" put the label of button "check" into tLabel put the loc of this stack into currLoc
Changing property settings - use the set
set the label of btn "check" to "Continue" set the width of field "nameList" to 300 set the backgroundColor of this card to the backgroundColor of card 2 set the textColor of fld "title" to blue set the lockText of fld "instructions" to not the lockText of fld "instructions" -- toggle between true and false set the enabled of btn "next" to the hilite of btn "allowNext"