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Computers and the Humanities Program -- BYU College of Humanities

DigHT 210
Computers and Teaching I

Groups & Scripts Exercise

This exercise is designed to help you familiarize yourself with the principles of grouping, with some reinforcement on other topics thrown in for good measure. It is also designed to prepare you for the lecture concerning scripting. Remember to observe LiveCode best practices.

  1. Make a copy of the stack you used for the objects and properties assignments, and rename the stackfile YourNameGroups.rev. Open it in LiveCode and change the stack name in the property inspector to YourNameGroups and give it the title Why Group? (Substitute your own name for the phrase YourName in the stack name.)
  2. On the first card there should be a field with your name in it. Add the name of this course (DigHT 210) to the field. Have this field appear, with the same text, on every card in the stack (hints: group, share text, etc.).
  3. Create another field and have it appear on every card except the first one. In this field type the appropriate card number for each card.
  4. Create a new card after card 3. (This new card will now be card 4.) On this card put five radio buttons. Change the name/label of each button to give the user some choices (e.g., blue, red, pink, etc.). Make it so that only one button at a time can be highlighted (i.e., the choices are mutually exclusive).
  5. In the field now on the fifth card, answer the following questions (you may need to refer to the readings for the next lesson):
    1. What is a script (within the context of LiveCode)?
    2. What is a handler?
    3. What kind of objects can have scripts?
  6. Save the stack with YourNameGroups.rev as the filename.

This assignment is due by the beginning of class on the due date specified in the class schedule. Turn in your completed assignment by dragging a copy of the stack from your data disk into the Assignment Drop folder in the DigHT 210 folder on the DigHT 210 server ( as explained before.

IMPORTANT: If you have not started to create your walking tour stack, now would be a great time. Hopefully you have been able to determine a subject and to start gathering all your content. You now have all the knowledge and tools necessary to create the actual stack with most of the pertinent objects. Make sure your design is wise and sound. It then becomes a simple matter to plug in the information you have gathered.

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